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The ultimate resource to support your homeschool journey.
Our live classes cover reading, writing, math, science, social studies, foreign language, arts and crafts, and so much more! Unlike other homeschool programs with pre-recorded videos, our programs offer live teacher-led classes, an on-demand library of classes, and a pen pal program.
Access to Over 70+ Live Classes Every Week
Highly Engaging & Interactive
Check out our weekly schedule of live teacher-led classes!
It's Up for Debate
Ms. Michele
Ages 10-12

Take a Peek at Our Live Classes
ABC, Spell & Sing with Me!
Ages 3-5
Mrs. Canda

Primary Circle Time
Ages 3-5
Mrs. Christy
Number Talks
Ages 7-10
Miss Irisa

Anatomy & Physiology
Dr. Nikki
Ages 15-18
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